The products sold on are authentic celebrity items which they, the celebrity, deem are personal items e.g. jewelry, clothing, etc. This celebrity-certified memorabilia is then posted on Star Bright Donations and auctioned within a given timeline.
Before the auction begins, the celebrity will have the authority to dictate how the winnings funds will be allocated. There are two possible bidding scenarios as illustrated in the slides below:
1. Celebrity donations HBCU Upfront – In Scenario 1, the celebrity has selected a single ‘HBCU of choice’ upfront (before the auction begins). As illustrated by ‘green’ images, the celebrity has control of how those funds are allocated. That particular school will receive the proceeds from the winning bid.
2. Celebrity Elects to Have Participants Choose Post Auction – Scenario 2, is more of a competitive process. The bidding participants are auctioning for themselves and for the ‘HBCU of their choice’. As illustrated by the ‘green’ images, the celebrity forfeits the right to choose the HBCI upfront and the bidders compete for the ownership of the product. Once this bid concludes, Star Bright Donations will email the winning customer requesting their HBCU of choice. That particular school will receive the proceeds from the winning bid.
In every instance, the winning HBCU will receive more than 70% of the final bid. It’s a win-win process that benefits all!